Enhancement of validity period for lifting of materials

1) With reference to the above mention reference no., We request you to enhance the validity period for lifting of materials from 01.04.2020 to 30.04.2020, as we are unable to lift the material with in the stipulated time due to problem of transportation.
        We expect your kind co-operations and oblige.

2) Dear Sir,

Thanks for your response. Kindly note that the last date of the DO (DO NO. 20 dated 15.11.2022) was 30.12.2022. As per our representative deputed over there and there was no material available at the said site during the stipulated period mentioned in the DO, even though we had deployed our vehicles over there for lifting of the material on time.

Please note that now the material is there and we are ready to lift the material right away if the DO time is extended as requested in our previous mail.

Looking forward to your kind co-operation in this regard as we are your regular buyers seeking your positive response in this regard,

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