Letter for Outstanding Payment Request





  • Example-1

Sub : Outstanding Payment Request

We are writing this letter to bring to your notice about the payment that needs to be released from your end. 

This is to inform that Rs. 1,00,000/- has been appearing in your name as on 31.03.2022 as per our books of account.

        This is a gentle reminder to arrange the payment and release it by 30-Apr-2020. Also receive the attached ledger relevant to this transaction for your reference.
             We would highly appreciate your prompt action in this matter.

Sk Islam



Sub – Payment outstanding.

Hello Sir,

This is reference to our outstanding amount of Rs, 47,34,546.00 Which had been showing due for long time as per our ledger. Verbally we reminded you several times but we didn't get positive response from your good self. 
In accordance to your purchase numbers – MF/MARCH/1/21-22 dtd 24.03.2022 amt 72,33,400.00 and MF/MARCH/1/21-22 dtd 30.03.2022 amt 1,06,81,950.00, we have already supplied 262.320 MT of PIG-IRON valued Rs, 1,62,34,546.00 against which we have received payment of 1,15,00,000.00 only and the balance Rs, 47,34,546.00 had not been paid till date. As per our verbal discussion previously you should have released this payment much before however we have not received the said payment yet. 
This is already delayed for long time in spite of our regular follow-ups and phone calls.
Hence we hereby humbly request you to look into the matter urgently and take appropriate action without any further delay in this regards and your kind co- operation will be highly solicited to us Your early action in this regard would be highly appreciated,


Dear Concern
This is in reference to our last letter dated 22nd August 2022, in the series of letters written to you regarding the nonpayment of our outstanding amount of Rs,84,27,531/-(Rs, Eighty four lakhs twenty seven thousand five hundred and thirty one) due from April 2022 and onwards. In spite of writing numerous letters continuously for last 3-4 months in this regard, it is very astonishing that you do not understand the gravity of the situation and do not bother to reply on any single letter stating your plans for the payment of the said outstanding. Per our verbal discussion held over phone several time you should have made the payment way back
As a result of the above we are unable to understand your intensions and also we are not able to make our plans for our payments. Please try and understand that this is a chain and if somewhere the consistency of this chain is broken the entire chain gets unbounded and scattered thereby disturbing the equilibrium.
You are our valued customer and we are keen to continue and carry on this relationship with you as a dependent supplier however we do not see any such efforts from your end to carry on this relationship and it seems that you are no longer interested to keep this relation ongoing. If we are not making any mistake this is probably the 15th letter we are writing to you in this regard.
We are not able to justify the reason of your silence. Please let us know when can we expect our payment and what is the reason of your silence?
Kindly treat this letter as extremely urgent and please do the needful by making our payment as soon as possible. We seek your spontaneous co-operation in this matter, please!


Dear Concern,

We are writing this letter to bring to your notice about the payment that needs to be released from your end. 
This is to inform that Rs. 1,00,000/- has been appearing in your name as on 31.03.2022 as per our books of account. We are not aware of any disputes for non-payment, We are disappointed to see that despite numerous requests, payment for the overdue has still not been received. therefore we would respectfully remind you that you have exceeded the trading terms for these outstanding amounts and we would be grateful to receive your remittance as soon as possible.
Take notice that if full payment of the £[TOTAL] is not received in our bank account by close of business on [DATE - set to five working days from letter date], we shall, without further notice, begin legal action to recover the deb, This is our final communication on the issue.


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