All about CIN no. Or Corporate Identity Number

The CIN number full form is Corporate Identity Number which is used to track all the aspects of the company. The Registrar of Companies (ROC) of the states under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) issues the CIN number.

As per Section 12 of the Act notified from 1st April, 2014, every company is mandatorily required to mention its Corporate Identification Number (CIN) along with the name and address of registered office on letterheads, invoices, notices and on all official publications.
CIN Number is a unique 21-digit alphanumeric number provided to all One Person Company, Private Limited Company, Section 8 Company, Limited Company, Producer Company, and Nidhi Company registered in India.

The concerned ROC issues certificate with a unique CIN code and approved name after the formation of a company.
You can easily find company details by CIN number online. To track or check your company’s registration number, visit the Ministry of Corporate Affairs website.

For every Public and Private Limited, the company which is established in India needs to quote its Company Identification Number on various documents which include:

On Invoices and Receipts

On Notice

On Letterheads

Annual Reports

Every e-form on the MCA portal.

Any other publications

CIN which is provided to every registered company for the purpose of identification can be changed in certain cases such as:

Any change in the listing status of a company

Any change in the location or change of state where the company’s registered office is situated

Any change in the industry/sector to which a company belongs to

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